Webster’s Dictionary defines oxymoron as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words”.
Oxymorons can be used for dramatic effect, such as crash landing and deafening silence. They can also be amusing or comical, such as in criminal justice. Clearly this is not an oxymoron in the true and strict sense, but the suggestion that it is oxymoronic is humorous. Take a good look at the paragraph below – - Notice anything strange about it?
Have you ever noticed that it’s simply impossible to find seriously funny oxymorons online? The only choice is to ask one of those paid volunteers at thelibrary – the ones in the long-sleeved T-shirts – for an original copy of someobviously obscure documents that were found missing amongst some paperwork almost exactly one hundred years ago.
Here is a collection of amusing oxymorons — That is oxymorons in a “loosesense” of the word.
accidentally on purpose act naturally adult children Advanced BASIC alone together almost donealmost exactly almost perfect Anarchy Rules! barely dressed bitter sweet blind eyebutt-head clean dirt clearly confused clearly misunderstood clogged drain constant change
constant variable crash landing criminal justice deafening silence definite maybe definite possibility detailed summary Dodge Ram dry lake even odds exact estimate extinct lifefail safe first annual found missing free love
free trade freezer burn friendly fire front end fuzzy logic genuine imitation good grief Great Depression Hell’s Angels high ground Holy War home office hot chili ill health industrial park inside out jumbo shrimp larger half legally drunk light tanks liquid gas living dead long-sleeved T-shirt loose tights mild sensation military intelligence minor crisis near miss new tradition now then numb sensation obviously obscure
old news once again open secret
original copy paid volunteer Park Drive
peace force peace keeping missile plastic glasses plastic silverware pretty ugly real phony
recent history rolling stop same difference