Great Spirit, Source of All, Great Creator and Sustainer, Chief Shepherd of the Holy Universe,
Thank you for the gifts and challenges of our work lives. Thank you for the opportunity to share our intelligence, creativity, love and caring with others. Thank you for the opportunity to earn a livelihood through our labor and our talents.
Thank you for the opportunity to wake up and remember who we are, what we are, and how each interaction with each person we meet is a vehicle of potentiality for joining, for healing, for growth, for liberation, and for working with the truth that what we give to another, how we treat another, is what we give to ourselves.
Eternal God, help us to remember that the holy instant of right now is the only time we can experience whatever it is that we wish to experience, and that the person we are interacting with has the same basic needs as we do. Chief Shepherd, help us to use the times that our buttons are pushed as opportunity to look within and see what needs healing inside ourselves before we judge another.
Blessed and Holy Ruler, help us to be with our integrity in a way of owning our feelings, taking responsibility for our responses and honoring the truth that we always have the ability to create a response to the challenge before us that grows us in the direction of our greatest good.
God our Comforter, help us to be channels for your light and love into the world using our workplace challenges as vehicles for our own inner work and healing relationships with others, seeking always the win-win outcome since that is the only real win for any of us.
This is all not so easy to do so we give thanks to you Great Spirit, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Shammah, for your presence always, at all times, with everyone and in every situation, offering us your wisdom guidance and strength when we take the time to humble ourselves and open to you.
El Shaddai, help us all to create work places, jobs, corporations, and businesses that are based not just on profit, but on the recognition that we are all related, that the land you have given us and her oceans, air, rivers, deserts, forests, animals and peoples, are all sacred deserving of respect, care and love.
Jehovah Nissi we respectfully ask that, cooperative, partnership prevail in bringing forth products and services that on all levels that honor life, environment and our community, thus creating a world that works for all. May it be so, in Jesus' name. Amen.