What is the greatest force impacting your future? Is it your past? Is it your present? Consider your past and present have only as much effect on your future as you allow. What a liberating thought, for if true, it means you can create a future that far transcends the accumulated contents of your past and present circumstances. The past is already set in concrete--unchangeable. The present is viscous--on its way to being congealed. Only the future is fluid, pliable and shapeable--what will you create?
Embrace the thought that you are the single greatest force determining your future. No; you cannot control the happenstance and eventualities of life; and unexplained, unwelcome things do happen. However,you are the one determining their effects on you. You generate the thoughts, desires, actions, events and results, all of which stitch together to shape your future reality.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Don't wait; start today to shape the upcoming year. What will it look and feel like? Decide exactly how you will grow. How will you positively affect your relationships? Determine how much money you will earn. To help friends and family attain the best of the upcoming year, take two minutes and look at:
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