Every Leader Must Have Courage, And Courage is Not the Absence of Fear
Stop it. Do you think of a leader as an emotional giant with powers almost super human? Do not romanticize the notion of leader to include only the types of Churchill, Mandela and Mother Theresa--those who seem to transcend the frailties of mortal men--for if you do, you give your mind the subconscious excuse for you not to be true leader. After all, you are only human.
All great leaders, with the exception of the most neurotic, suffer the same foibles and fears as you and I do. What makes them great is not their greatness but their resolve to achieve great outcomes despite their humanness. And you, born to lead or chosen to lead, go beyond your human excuses to pursue the impossible and achieve the improbable.
God, the only Perfect One, chooses simple people through whom to accomplish marvels. He chose you, then gave you courage--that ability to feel the fear and forge forward anyway.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
In your efforts to lead this week, you will encounter the occasional trouble, leading to doubt, fear and anxiety. Go for it anyway and don't wait to outgrow your weaknesses.
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Sales Empowerment Institute , Salt Water Creek, Lake Worth, FL 33467