A Parent/Teen Agreement is a written document that defines restrictions, privileges, rules and consequences for you and your teen driver. With a written agreement, parents and teens:
Set expectations for their driving experience. Discuss different types of risk, gradually set parameters for increasing driving privileges, and define consequences for violating expectations.
Have guidelines — you are able to see a plan for minimizing risk and your teen sees a road map for earning driving independence.Why Use a Parent/Teen Driving Agreement? Parents can use an agreement to reduce risks teens face during the
first 6 to 12 months of solo driving experience. Teens can use an agreement to chart progress to full licensing with full driving privileges.
Because a written agreement sets expectations clearly from the start, it is harder for you or your teen to forget or bend the rules. It's especially helpful when a request for an exception arises. For example, "Mom, I know we said I had to have the car home at 8 PM, but can I keep it out a little longer just for tonight?"
If an exception is granted, the agreement helps ensure that it stays an exception – and does not become a new rule. Parent-teen communication is stronger because everyone is clearer about expectations and consequences.

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