I had a conversation with a friend of mine and I felt compelled to write this blog post afterwards. I was a Teacher and well, I will always feel and act like one. There's no getting away from that. Teaching will always be in my blood.
The bad economy is affecting everyone, even people who thought they had safe, recession proof jobs. Teachers are supposed to be recession proof...NOT!. It does not work like that anymore. I live in Florida and I am amazed at the growing number of Teachers who are unemployed. While teacher's salaries have risen over the years, there are still many educators who must find another income to make ends meet.
Finding opportunities to make extra money for teachers is vital for many. Especially now. My friend just said there are so many confused, frustrated Teachers who don't know what to do. I suggested that some of them can come together and form a tutoring service because even though they can't teach in the classroom, they can still make money outside of the classroom. She was kind of shock as she was one track minded and was thinking teachers have very limited options. Heck no, With the age of the internet, anything is possible.
I considered providing online tutoring years ago but I was not computer literate and gave up on the idea in a heartbeat. Well, I had to when I didn't even know how to turn off the computer correctly. My daughter once saw me push the power button and was shocked. Yes, I was that naive, I totally ruined one perfectly good computer before I decided it was time for me to take a beginner's class just to learn how to use a mouse and turn the computer off safely. I have come a long way. It was embarassing at my age but it was a necessary evil, or so I thought at the time. Now, I can't do without my computer. Now you know why I have several in the house, all malfunctioning from time to time. I did that to them. LOl.
There are many ways, including the obvious tutoring position, for teachers to make extra money. It is even more important these days, with cities and towns being forced to cut budgets, which means cutting teachers jobs. That's why so many Florida Teachers ar unemployed right now. Laid off teachers can find many jobs that allow them to teach until that full-time position becomes available. The best ways for teachers to make extra money are to use the skills you already have. There's no need to take a job at a fast-food restaurant for minimum wage with the kind of expertise, knowledge, experience and skills that most teachers possess.
If you have a teaching certificate, you can substitute teach nearly any subject, any where. The pay, compared to what a full-time teacher makes, is low, but it is a good way for young teachers to get their foot in the door and build relationships within a school district. I believe most teachers own a computer. If you don't own one you could use one at your local library. I know some libraries allot the amount of time users can stay online, but if you develop a good relationship with the person in charge they might allow you to use it for extra time. They might even 'forget' that you are there.
Set up an online tutoring service. This is much easier that you might think. I am not qualified to give advise on that but I know there is a wealth of information online to help you. I checked before I wrote this. You may want to be a tutor within someone else's tutoring service. You just pick the times you are available and relay that information.
Some places perform strict background checks, but you should have no problems with that since you were already working in the school system...I hope. I spoke to a Coordinator at one online tutoring service and he said interested teachers can call at the tel # listed below or visit their tutoring site and contact them through the email address provided on the site through the 'contact us' option. Contact them here:
This is not an endorsement. I am simply trying to provide information.
If you don't want to tutor online, you could place ads in Free classified ad sites, such as Craiglist.org, to find one on one tutoring jobs. People are always hiring and you get to set whatever rate you desire. One word of caution, though, if someone seems to be offering a salary that seems too high, it's probably some sort of scam or worse. Stay clear of blind ads, and answer ads from individuals with a great deal of caution.
Let's put it this way...you use your streets smarts in the classroom...make sure you passed boot camp before trying to work in some peoples' home. Just like how they might screen you, you should screen them before accepting any offer to work in someones home or have them come to yours for that matter. Yes, Tutoring is not just for kids. Adults will pay big bucks to learn a thing or two from you. Remember teachers are still trusted and respected, regardless of what your pay check used to say.
Have you tried any of the Tutoring centers? I heard they are always looking for talented, experienced teachers. They have a benefits package too which I heard includes medical and dental coverage. My friend works with them part time and he is very happy with the arrangements. To qualify for such a position, you must hold a teacher's certificate and have at least a Bachelor's degree.
That's what they say on the books, but if you have many years of experience and are quite gifted, you might be considered without a Bachelor's degree. Some Learning centers also require an FBI background check and you must be able to teach Reading and Math as most of their students require special tutoring in those subjects.
Were you a PE teacher or sports coach? Coaching, might not be for everyone, but it is another way for teachers to make a extra cash. If you're not knowledgeable enough about a particular sport to be the head coach, start off as an assistant coach. Try doing what you do best.
I know many Teachers often have summers off, which provides a unique opportunity to take a seasonal job. Have you tried contacting your seasonal employer to see if they have a need for your services right now? Many school districts offer special summer programs in which teachers can develop their own curriculum and teach almost any subject, and teachers are always needed for summer school classes. You should check that out so you can possibly set up an arrangement before it gets too competitive, if it hasn't already. You know those special programs can pay up to $30 per hour, depending on the school department.
Another idea for a summer job is working at a camp as a counselor or camp director. I know a twenty something year old who frequently works as one ans she said even though the pay is not great, she usually has a lot of fun. How about giving adult classes at your church or community center? Some peole will let you teach them at church or at a day center but refuse to go to adult evening classes. Would you try that too?
I am flat out of ideas now but I know of this great non-profit organization that is looking for qualified tutors. It is an opportunity that some of my friends are using to supplement their income. Well let me rephrase that. Many of them are replacing their income after unemployment. Becoming an independent tutor For Family & Friends Connection will definitely help to fix your financial problems. I have a good idea what salary a teacher makes, especially a "new" teacher. If you consider tutoring seriously, you can make close to waht you are making currently or previously made as a teacher.
As a teacher, if you get in gear and reach out to the network that you have already established, you will never have a problem making that car note payment, mortgge payment or medical prescription purchase. Being unemployed right now may be a blessing in disguise as you have time to get going to make it happen for you. So get in gear and start making an income. I am inviting you to JOIN OUR TEAM of Volunteers and let us help you get back on track financially.
To your Success