Learn to give your time, your money, or an encouraging word. When you show love, you are showing God to the world. And don't worry if you don't get any credit. When you let somebody in traffic in front of you, you may never see that person again. When you give somebody twenty dollars because you had compassion in your heart, you may never hear back from them, but let me assure you, God is keeping the records.
He's seen every time you've been good to somebody. He's heard every encouraging word you've spoken. God has seen all the times you went out of your way to help somebody but they never even said thank you. The Scripture says when you do things in secret, when you do things without getting any credit, when nobody thanks you, God sees it, and you will even receive a greater reward.
It's one thing to make a big splash and let everybody know how generous you are, but if you really want to be blessed, do something good for somebody and don't tell anybody about it. Leave some cash in an unmarked envelope on the desk of that coworker that's struggling to make ends meet. At the restaurant, buy somebody's dinner and remain anonymous. Clean up the kitchen at the office and don't tell anybody that you did it. When you do things in secret and you don't get any credit, you are sowing a seed for God to do great things in your life.
Or maybe you overhear one of your coworkers saying, "Next week I've got to take my car in the shop. I don't what I'm going to do. I don't know how I'm going to get to work." Why don't you tell her, "Let me swing by in the mornings and pick you up."
"Oh, no, that's too far," she may protest. "Its out of your way."
You can say, "It's no big deal. I'll be glad to do it."
Listen to what people are saying around you. And look for opportunities to bless them.
A while back I had a friend over to help me on a project. I had just bought a brand new computer monitor, one of those flat screens, real large, real easy to see. My friend said, "Joel, I love your monitor. It's so easy on our eyes."
I picked up on that. I said, "It sure is. What kind of monitor do you have?"
"Oh, just an old piece of junk that I've been using for years," he said.
I thought, "Here's a great opportunity to be a blessing".
A few days later, my friend had one of those new flat screen monitors show up on his doorstep. That was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I realize we can't do that all the time. We can't spend all our money like that. But we should be doing something good for somebody else.
Why don't you make a decision with me that you're going to start being good to people?
And remember, true love is always backed up with our actions. People are watching us, and one of the best witnesses we could have is simply by being good to people. If you'll get up every day and focus on how you can be a blessing and not just on how you can get blessed, God will meet your own needs as you meet others' needs. God will meet all your needs in abundance!
The Scripture says people will know true Christians by their fruit (see Matthew 7:15-23). They're not going to know us by how many scriptures we quote. They're not going to know us by how many Christian bumper stickers we have on our car. People are going to really know that we're believers when we're helping other people, meeting needs, doing good works, when we are blessing people with our words and our actions.