Live with a soft heart and teachable spirit.
If you're going to be ready for your promotion, it's so important that you
have a teachable spirit. We should always be willing to learn. Stay open to
new ideas and new ways of doing things. If others are critical of you, don't
get defensive — take the opportunity to do a self-evaluation and use it to
motivate yourself to grow and improve.
A big part of being teachable is to be humble, especially with those God has
placed in authority over you. Greg could have gotten mad at his boss for
canceling his raise. But Greg humbly accepted the lesson God wanted him to
learn, and the situation turned around.
That's a soft heart and a teachable spirit! When you say, "God, I don't
really understand this or agree with it, but I'm going to follow You anyway,"
you're passing the test and putting yourself in a position for God to promote
you. "God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time" (1
Peter 5:6, The Message).
Get involved: Serve others and be a blessing.
One of the easiest things to do when you're facing trials is to turn inward
and become self-focused. But every day we should look for opportunities to do
good and make a difference in other people's lives.
A good way to wake up each morning is to ask, "Where is there a need that I
can meet? How can I bless someone today?" If you take time for others, God
will look out for your needs. Think of Jesus. He came as the Lord of heaven
who could have demanded that everyone serve Him. But Jesus said He did not come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). Live a lifestyle of giving -- God
promotes givers!
If you live by biblical principles, your life will be transformed like those
of so many others who have already committed themselves to live above their