Monday Morning Power Pill
"Make the high places low and the low places high"
When you feel proud and lifted up--self-satisfied with your talents--when you have a heightened sense of personal importance, then it is time to take this tablet, remember: you use the toilet like all other humans; you have a history of errors and failures; and, one day you will die and your body will decay and soak up into the ground again.
When you feel discouraged and overwhelmed--inadequate and incapable--when your faults and failures hang your head and heart down low, then it is time to take this tablet: Remember that you are the most marvelous creation of all life forms, in your thinking, language and imagination; that your fibers and sinews were uniquely handmade--fashioned by the hand of God; that you are an abundant, multiplying marvel of nature, as your body produces 25,000,000 new cells every second...greater than the population of Texas or New York--every second!
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Check yourself on the scale that spans pride and self importance to inadequacy and impotence. Adjust. Are you too close to one extreme or another? Adjust your thinking to maintain the balance of maturity--a requirement to give you confidence and personal power, while maintaining humility and a spirit of thankfulness for undeserved blessings.
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Sales Empowerment Institute , Salt Water Creek, Lake Worth, FL 33467