Monday Morning Power Pill
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
Milton Berle (1908 - 2002)
Many wait patiently for opportunity to knock on their door. Few dream of greatness and then rise up to create it. Be part of the few, not of the many.
To launch out and attain unexplored heights in life, don't wait for ideal situations to manifest. What if there were no tomorrow for you--wouldn't you make today the time for which you've waited all your life? Many humans, who would be great, hide simple-mindedly beneath the maxims that "patience is a virtue" and "timing is everything," and never step out to see the sun.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Yes, prepare, but then, step out. 1) Clearly define an opportunity you seek; 2) Take one simple step toward it each day this week. Finally, be cautious of those seeming opportunities that bombard your door... "Opportunity may knock once, but temptation leans on the doorbell." (Anonymous)
Special Request--If you know someone who desires significance in life...
Send that person a copy of this message.
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