"For if the source of your greatness lies only inside of you
Then the scope of your greatness will be limited to the size of you"
Those remarkable words flew unplanned from my lips as I presented to a team from Northwestern Mutual Insurance. Do they grab you like they grabbed me? In all your search for possessions, accomplishments and meaning, all will be futile if you are your only source--for curiously, you are both infinite and finite, both strong and weak, both good and bad. When finitude, weakness and badness seek to overwhelm and take you under, you will be lost and done, if you have no source outside yourself, in which to trust...on which to lean.
If you are the sole source of your strength, you forfeit great advantage. In my own moments of weakness, I have had two dependable resources to revitalize and re-engage me into the march toward greatness: 1) My relationship with a few trusted, beloved persons who believe in me and yearn to do me good, not harm; and 2) The one God who is so powerful that without a string or battery, He hangs the earth in space and makes the wind to blow. Avoid being so self assured, independent and personally powerful that you become isolated spiritually and mentally, as this eventually leads to the dark place where even your past and present conquests become meaningless and futile.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
1. Examine your relationships. Are you close to positive, resourceful, experienced people who can serve as guides and mentors to you? If not, seek out such acquaintances beginning this week. 2. Are you casually acquainted or not at all acquainted with God? If so, seek Him with all your heart this week and in due time, you will surely find Him. Everything changes.
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