Chemotherapists will Never Create a Cure for Cancer.
Unconventional thought: Stop being such a problem solver; problems will always be here; to solve a problem is to focus on it; to focus on a problem is to magnify it; and besides, many problems when solved, spawn other problems. A problem solver is never a great human with positive legacy. Instead, he or she tends to be a tactical operator, arranging temporary improvements within an existing system, when often, the system itself needs to be transcended. Yes, on the practical plane, some problems demand solutions--as a broken down car must be fixed to operate again. But on the higher plane of life, circumstance and human ambition, problems must be transcended, not fixed.
The solution is to create. Let problems be. Focus on generating your desired end state in life and previous problems will fade or lose relevance. While even the awareness of the problem sucks your energy, your mere involvement in positive, new ventures generates drive, momentum and passion for living. Suspend and forget what's wrong in your life...focus on what you desire to do and become. From George Washington to George Washington Carver; from Martin Luther to Martin Luther King...all were made famous for pursuing the dream not for fixing the nightmare.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Make two lists. #1: The top 3 life experiences, conditions or achievements you desire in for this year. #2: All the problems you currently face related or unrelated to List #1. Fold list #2 and tuck it neatly into your freezer for a year. Begin today to pursue the outcomes on list #1. For details on this and much more, I'll see you in Jamaica on January 9! (Go back in your email and look for my December 30 invitation)
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