True, some people are lazy, some plan and never implement, and other hope and never dare. In such cases, the antidote is massive action. But the lack of action, work or effort, is not the main malady that besets the frustrated success seeker, for if it were, the solution would be more work...more action. Every serious success seeker I know is extremely busy, always working, doing and taking action. Many ambitious people work frenetically at two jobs and a side business, but still struggle to reach their goals. What then is the answer? It is thinking.
What you do is a function of how you think. Your sustained behaviors are a manifestation of your thoughts. A successful man does not likely work any harder than a poor man with ambition. Instead, their thinking leads them to different behaviors...different work. Person "A" thinks in a way that values low risk, security, conformity and tradition. This leads him to do traditional, linear work, exchanging time for money. He watches the years pass and his money leave faster than it comes in. Person "B" thinks of innovative and productive ways to achieve her goals and dreams. This leads her to find leverage, build a team of supporters and carefully undertake more high potential endeavors. She watches her dreams get closer.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Examine the way you work...what you do every day. Ask yourself: "What thinking leads me to the activities that keep me so busy?" Find someone who is achieving the lifestyle you desire. Seek advice, mentorship or coaching from that person. Observe his or her thinking process and imitate.
Do you know a hard working person for whom success seems illusive? Send him or her a copy of this message.
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