Watch your thoughts, for they become words;
Watch your words, for they become actions;
Watch your actions, for they become habits;
Watch your habits, for they become character;
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
What an amazing cascade from your thoughts to your destiny--the outcome of your life itself. Your thoughts are so wispy, ethereal, insubstantial and incorporeal, yet they mesh together to form the fabric of your present reality and your life.
Are you completely satisfied with your present reality? If not, then the most direct way to change it is to change your thinking. Nothing less will manifest the life you seek. Thinking is cause...all the rest is effect. Your actions, habits and character are mere expressions of your thinking. Educate your thinking; liberate your thinking; and elevate your thinking. For only then will the pathway of your destiny be strewn with prosperity, peace and power.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Online: Go to and search for the terms: "quotations on thinking"; "quotes on thinking"; "quotations on thought"; and, "quotes on thought." Read, think and assimilate for 10 minutes per day. Offline: Go to the library or bookstore and find books on thought and thinking. Read, think and assimilate.
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