One of the greatest things you can do in life is to love your neighbor as yourself. This God given mandate isn't to love your neighbor more thanyourself, but to the same degree! Critical implication: If you don't love yourself, your neighbor is in trouble, and you risk violating the great command!
Many people do not love themselves. Do you? Try saying these words out loud: "I love myself." Then, examine the feelings and thoughts that come to mind immediately. Self doubt, feelings of inadequacy and low personal esteem not only hurt you; they hurt your neighbor too.
When you see yourself in the mirror, do you feel any of those debilitating emotions? Do you find yourself reasoning away your appearance, weight, intellect, age, skin color, gender and more? Or are you thankful and joyful?
ACTION--Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Each day this week, stand before a mirror and repeat: "I love myself." Do so with humility, forgiveness and appreciation, not ego. Do it until it feels natural. Embed it into your subconscious mind. Then, this week, be kind and generous to at least one person each day.
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