People make decisions more on the basis of emotions and feelings than on facts and logic--by a 70:30 margin.*
Do you want to sell more of your products or services, or do you regularly try to sell your family, friends and associates on doing what you want? If so, then be aware that while your facts and data serve to bolster and justify the decisions you seek from others, the trigger that releases YES is how they feel--about you, themselves, your proposal and the emotional state they anticipate feeling after they should say YES to you.
ACTION--Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Run this test 3-5 times: Choose something on which you want someone to make a decision in your favor. Determine what positive emotional experiences your idea or offer will create or what negative emotions it will relieve. Use the language of these emotions to make your request, applying facts and logic as supportive rationale. The results will intrigue you. Please email and share your results at [email protected] .
*Source: Gallup Poll, 2003
One More Thing...VERY IMPORTANT!
Do you know anyone who would directly benefit from this message? Then please share a copy to him or her.