It took eight months to plan and erect a certain ten storey office building; five minutes and a wrecking ball to destroy it. 'Nine months and ten years to birth and raise a boy; one moment to kill him. Be cautious of that which comes too quickly and lures you with its expediency and efficiency. More often than not, it leads to wreckage, destruction and even death. The fastest growing cells in the human body are cancer cells.
On the contrary, you may find yourself pursuing a dream or endeavor, but the progress seems to require intolerable investments in time and effort. If so, be patient, focused and driven to fulfill the original vision. The ambitious search for excellence and quality requires price, pain and persistence. The fool insists on achieving excellence by magic and when it doesn't work, moves to the next show in futile search for meaning and abiding worth. And when it appears to work, he is mystified by the accompanying wrecking ball.
ACTION: Take this Power Pill All Week Long
Read this Power Pill at least twice. Determine if you appear in any of the scenarios depicted. If evasive turnaround action is needed, engage it. If added tenacity and long term commitment are needed, engage.
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