American Legion, Department of Florida: Patriotism through Art
Scholarship: Students are asked to create something from the heart that
will fulfill the definition of patriotism.
• High School seniors
• Application/Release must be turned in with entry
• Certification of Original Effort must be turned in with entry
• Student creates an original work of art that fulfills the definition
of Patriotism: "devoted love, support, and defense of one's country;
national loyalty; love of and devotion to one's country". (NOTE: All
entries become the property of the Florida American Legion)
First place - $500 to the student and $500 to the school Art Department
2 Runner- ups - $250 to the student and $250 to the school Art Department
Deadline: May 1, 2012
Students should review the website and application for guidelines
regarding the submitted art work, complete details, and submission
For additional information contact: The American Legion, Dept of Florida,
Carol Polk, Programs Director, (407)295-2631 x222