My older brother is always making fun of my new faith. How do I get him to stop?
People ridicule what they don't understand or what they wish they had themselves. It's really tough, though when it comes from someone in your own family! (Samuel 2:15)
Your best defense is is a quiet offense: Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. that is what God wants you to do, and He will bless you for it. (1 Peter 3:9)
When anyone makes fun of your faith, hold your tongue, pray for the person, be kind to him or her, and then wait for God's blessing. This verse ends with a promise directly from God. Though it doesn't say when or how God will bless you, it promises that he will.
Here are some steps to take when facing opposition for your faith. (See 1 Peter 3: 13-15) First, check your attitude. If you understand that God is allowing you to experience this for a reason, you'll be able to thank him for it. It means that he believes in you enough to allow you to be tested!
Second, quietly trust yourself to Christ. You trusted Christ to be Lord of your life; now allow Him to to be Lord over your circumstances. God is trying to develop your character.
Third, be real and be ready to explain your faith when the opportunities arise. Admit your faults, and don't act like you're superior or better than the other person. This may disarm them to the point where they will see that you are not a threat. Then you may be able to share about Christ.
Even doing all this will may not relieve the tension. But, "It is better to suffer for doing good...than to suffer doing wrong! (1 Peter 3:17)