Someone once said an unusual amount of common sense is something called wisdom. So why do we not realize that good communication is probably the best common sense? Think about all the times when poor communication let you or your loved ones become upset, or feel neglected. Imagine how a total stranger feels when you try to communicate but don't even bother to make sure they understand whatever parable you choose to use that day?
Remember when you were very young and your parents were planning to punish you, for some so called evil deed you commited, but were talking in code and you had no idea what your transgression was? Remember how you felt when you realized you were going to be punished for something you didn't quite understand, because your mom or dad was talking in parent speak? Yea, yea, So why do you do the same thing now?
Why do we not say what we mean, and mean what we say? How many times have your boss wanted you to do something, but think it is too much work to put the right words together, so you can understand, but instead expect you to read his mind? When was the last time you actually had the courage to really ask, what was really expected of you, and got an answer you really understand?
Husbands and wives, why do you expect each other to be mind readers? Males and females have different thought processes. What feels good for you may be uncomfortable for her and vice versa. Who has the gentler touch? No, it doesn't matter, but who likes what kind of touch matters.
Yes, I know it's tempting to use the acid tongue from time to time. Sometimes we speak in haste and with insensitivity. Treating our significant other with respect and caring will inevitably helps us feel better within ourselves. Good, honest communication is not always easy, but is achievable and desireable. Your needs might be different but mutual, respect with good communication can add necessary spice to any loving relationship. Why not try it and see?
Well, the point is that, we need good communication to maintain healthy relationships. All relationships whether, family, job related, or otherwise need good, clear communication to be effective. So many relationships are ruined daily due to unnecessary, poor communication. All we need is a little thoughtfulness. Just a little more respect sometimes. Because, sometimes our communication style can make us appear downright rude and obnoxious.
Remember body language? Oh, how much we say or don't say with just the way we tilt our heads, raise our brow, fix our eyes, flash or wave our hands, smile lopsided or groan and grunt. That is just a fraction of the nonverbal aspect of communication. Some people have no clue how insensitive, snobbish, ill mannered and boorish their communication style makes them appear. Please, let us try to pay a little more attention to our behaviors. Let's try to communicate better.
Communication is key to all aspects of life. Even our pets require good communication from us. Just slow down a little. While we try to smell the roses, let's try to focus on how we perceive each other. Our perception helps to determine how we decide to communicate. Kindness is a really good virture we all can use, and need on a regular basis. Our communication should at least, show some kindness.
Do unto others what you would like them to do to you. Yes, we remember this from childhood. Let's be conscientious about our manners. Keeping in mind what goes around, comes around. Think about it....You may improve your marriage, work relationships, child/parent relationships, relationships with friends and relatives. Yea, even strangers may change their opinion of us. You may never know. But yes, good communication works. It might even improve your health. Try it and see how many people you make smile a little more.
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