(Helping men get it right)
An affair usually destroys a relationship. Men will tend to have an affair if they are not being sexually satisfied. If a woman cheats, she's more likely to first cheat on an emotional level rather than a sexual one. However, an emotional affair often does lead to a sexual one. If she's not being emotionally satisfied by you, you may run the risk of her having an affair with another man.
Here's a common scenario: Your wife works downtown during the day. She gets her hairstyle changed. You don't even notice but this guy she works with tells her that her hair looks great. She buys a new blouse. You notice but don't say anything. The guy she works with tells her that the particular color of that blouse brings out the blue in her eyes. Your wife starts to wish her husband was more like this guy she works with. And there it begins. Let's keep this from happening.
Show her that you love her: Your wife isn't nearly as hard to please as you think. All she wants from her husband emotionally is for him to make her feel loved and cared for. Those things aren't hard to do at all.
Be a gentleman: Chivalry is not dead. Open the door for your wife. Open the car door for her. Help her on and off with her coat. At dinner (dinner out and at home), pull out her chair for her before she sits down. Little things like that will make a big difference.
Phone calls: Don't do this on a regular basis or it may look like you're trying too hard, but give her a call from time to time from work. Just tell her that you wanted to hear her voice and that you love her.
Greeting cards: I know you've browsed through the birthday cards at the store before. What about the romantic cards? You don't have to be a poet or someone who can write well. Most of the time you can find a romantic card that will tell her exactly how you feel about her. Stop by and pick one up today.
Help her around the house: Start tonight. After dinner, get up and load the dishwasher for her. If she washes the dishes by hand, help her out. Dry them for her or put them away. Yeah, I know you work all day and you want to relax when you get home. This will only take about 10 minutes, and it will make a big difference in your wife's life. And chances are very good that she worked all day, too.
A bit of consistency with these types of things and you'll notice changes for the better in your marriage. Your sex life will get better, she'll be more affectionate and she'll be happier. And let's face it, how happy you are depends on how happy your wife is. If you do all of this, your wife will likely have no reason to give a guy she meets at work a second look.