So, now we are a little more relaxed after some rest, I hope. Then tell me, why are we still thinking in the negative. Come on, cheer up. This is another beautigul day. Revel in it. How can you do that when everything You see around you appear in shades of grey or black? Are you really looking at the same thing I am looking at? Look again. Good. Look a little longer. Now, look at the glass again. What do you see? Yes, yes, it's Half Full. Not bad at all.
See what happens when you try to dwell on positives? Now look around again...Oh, now you ask what happen to the blacks and shades of grey? Well, they weren't really there. Everything always look just aa they are now. It's just that for a sad moment you choose not to see it. Well, let me restate that. You couldn't see it.
I know you are trying, sometimes too hard, I think. Relax. Take a deep breath, and exhale. Close your eyes for a moment if that works better for you. Now think about a time when you were the happiest you can remember. Yesssss. No, not then. Think about something else. Something that you and only you were responsible for. Wasn't that a good time? Can you imagine yourself in that moment again for just a few minutes? Just try it and see. OK, that feels good, doesn't it?
Could you share that experience with anyone? Would You? You said yes. Then go ahead and do it?
The point? When we look at the world we see different things depending on the frame of mind we are in at that particular moment. It is really hard to stay positive and upbeat all of the time. I know, because I can't do that either. But guess what? When we actually deliberately try to snap ourselves out of the doldrums, we can succeed.
It will not be easy for everyone. But for those of us who can, it is amazing how good we can feel. You know, some people pop a pill or two during times of low morale and low self worth. They sometimes call it stresss relief. Don't feel sorry for them. Feel their pain because that could be us, if we didn't get some measure of success from out personal, private introspection.
Yes, this world is one messed up place. But some of us are dealing with it. Yea, we figure out a way to make all the negatives work for our benifit. Isn't that amazing? So, how often do you share this with anyone? Come on, at least try. You think people will laugh at you? Some might but they will definitely have something to thing of or talk about later. While they are talking about it someone else will hear and probably understand the whole concept.
It's like paying it forward, but with positive thoughts and vibes. See what I am getting at? Soon, very soon, there will be a whole bunch of positive people walking around. Maybe not as many as we hope, but the number will definitely increase.
I am a praying person. I just can't live without prayer. The good thing about prayer is that, you can do it anytime, anywhere, and anyhow you like. Yea, Positive Reinforcement right in your head. Isn't that cool. No one has to know that you pray, if you don't want them to know. You could whisper, you could shout, mumble sing, or just think it. Awesome, right? Now exercise your spirituality if you are so inclined.
For those of you who don't pray, just think Positive thoughts. Yes, it's hard but try Harder. At the end of the day, you will find yourself much happier and everything will appear in vibrant colors like they did during that happy time. Think Positive Thoughts. Share the new vibes with someone else.